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Professional and Commercial Publications
'Multiverse films take characters to increasingly dark places – as Robert Downey Jr’s Doctor Doom casting shows', with Alex Fitch, at The Conversation (August 2024)
‘Our Friend of the Mists’ in Hellebore magazine (December 2023)
‘Mary Shelley’s Legacy in British Girls’ Comics’ in Conception – Mary Shelley: The Making of a Monster by Deborah Clair (Methuen, 2023).
‘Introduction’ in Misty: 45 Years of Fear (Rebellion, 2023)
‘The Black Widow: Context and Girlhood’ in The Art of Jaume Rumeu (Rebellion, 2021).
‘Gothic Children: Investigating Comics & Children's Literature with Dr. Julia Round’ at What Sleeps Beneath (19 June 2020).
‘Horror, Adventure and Adaptation: Locke and Key from Comics to Netflix’, with Dr Terrence Wandtke, at Pop Junctions (11 May 2020).
‘Misty’s Serial Stories and Gothic Heroines’ in Comic Scene #10 ( Publishing, January 2020).
Interview material, Best of British Magazine (January 2020).
‘Gothic for Girls’ interview, Sci-Fi Pulse (January 2020).
Interview material, Judge Dredd Megazine (Rebellion, November 2019).
‘Misty and the Horrible Hidden History of British Comics’ for Pop Junctions (October 2019).
‘Horror Hosts in British Girls’ Comics’ in Comic Scene #4 ( Publishing, January 2019).
‘Cult Conversations: Interview with Julia Round’ at Confessions of an Aca-Fan (November 2018).
‘Misty: From Creation to Revival’ in Comic Scene #1 ( Publishing, October 2018).
‘In Memoriam: Jack Cunningham, Art Editor of Misty’ for Down the Tubes (September 2018). .
‘Maria Barrera Castell’ in Anthologie Misty (Delirium, 2018).
Interview material, 2000 AD Prog 2011 (Rebellion, December 2016).
‘Shirley Bellwood’ in Misty: Book One (Rebellion, 2016).
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